Monday, 24 June 2024 11:03

GDL Volunteer Finalist at NSW Landcare Awards

On the 3rd of June, longtime Gunning District Landcare volunteer and Committee member Janet Heffernan, received "Highly Commended" for the Women in Landcare award at the Landcare NSW awards in Sydney. With more than 20 years involvement in Landcare under her belt, Janet is much deserving of this recognition! Read on for an excerpt from her nomination:
"Janet’s initial engagement with the Jerrawa Creek Landcare Group in 2002 marked the beginning of an immense involvement in Landcare, including countless hours spent protecting threatened species and promoting responsible land management practices within our community. Witnessing the urgent need for action in the face of environmental challenges, particularly the decline of local threatened species like the Southern Pygmy Perch, Janet pushed for the commission of an Action Plan for conserving the endangered fish in 2017. Working closely with prominent fish scientists and other partners, like OzFish Unlimited, Janet has shown incredible sustained commitment to implement the outlined actions in the Plan - the first of its kind for a local Landcare group. Janet has driven substantial on-the-ground works in our District and her contributions have been recognised in the media, including an article in the ABC News, and in an upcoming podcast. Janet has also facilitated community-wide engagement in the conservation of this fish, from training citizen scientists in fish sampling and water quality analysis to running aquatic revegetation workshops.
Janet's hands-on and practical approach to conservation sets her apart as a true leader within the Landcare community. Her willingness to roll up her sleeves and get involved in every aspect of Landcare, from planting trees to supporting the School Holiday Program and other projects reflects her genuine dedication and passion for the cause. Her commitment to inclusivity and community engagement in Landcare is not just a philosophy but a way of life, reflected in her unwavering dedication to caring for her community. Janet is always ready to lend a hand to those in need, and goes out of her way to make everyone feel welcome at Landcare. You’ll find her at the front door at most GDL events ensuring everyone feels comfortable and included. Janet is truly an outstanding Woman in Landcare and deserving of recognition for her outstanding contributions to the organisation."
Congratulations, Janet, for this commendation, and thank you for your many contributions to Landcare and our community.