Donations over $2 to Gunning District Landcare are now tax deductible.

Gunning District Landcare appreciates all donations, large and small. These contributions support our various projects and enable us to purchase required resources.  Our projects include:

    • Working with community, scientists and relevant agencies to conserve threatened species including the Southern Pygmy Perch, Superb Parrot, Yellow-spotted Bell Frog and Koala;
    • Holding public forums and school holiday workshops to increase understanding of our natural environment;
    • Planting native trees, shrubs and grasses to increase biodiversity and landscape function;
    • Working closely with local landholders to reduce the impact of feral pests;
    • …and much more!

We will list all donors in our annual report to members unless you request that your donation will be kept anonymous.

There are two ways to donate money electronically:

  •  Donate via PayPal:
  •  Donate by direct deposit (this will ensure we receive 100% of your donation).

            Account name: GDL Public Fund

            BSB: 082842

            Account Number: 454465478


IMPORTANT! In the reference section, please type your surname with the word “donation”, and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can send you a tax-deductible receipt.